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In order to ensure the most optimal results for your permanent makeup, it is important to take the following pre-care steps leading up to your appointment.

- Avoid botox and/or filler in the forehead, temple and eye area for 1 month prior to appointment

- Avoid Retinol of any kind for 6 weeks prior to appointment

- Avoid Lash growth serums of ANY KIND for 6 weeks prior to appointment (eyeliner services only)

- Avoid chemical peels/microdermabrasion for 1 month prior to appointment

- Refrain from plucking, waxing, threading, electrolysis or sugaring brows for 1 week prior to appointment

- Refrain from tanning and excessive sun exposure for 1 week prior to appointment (permanent makeup cannot be performed on sun burnt skin)

- Avoid taking fish oil, vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen, or niacin for 48 hours prior to your appointment (these can thin the blood and make it difficult to implant pigment into the skin; leading to poor results) -unless otherwise instructed by your physician)

- Be sure you have not had a COVID-19 vaccination within the past 2 weeks (some individuals experience delayed reaction that can be a contraindication to the procedure)

- Try your best to limit alcohol and caffeine consumption for 24 hours prior to appointment- particularly the morning/day of your appointment; these can also cause excess bleeding, leading to poor results

* it is not recommended that individuals with caffeine/alcohol addiction follow this step due to potential withdrawal symptoms

- Do not work out excessively the day of your appointment (any workouts or physical activities that will cause you to sweat)

- Be prepared to lay for a few hours and be sure to eat before your appointment

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